Saturday, November 04, 2006


Look what was on my desk when I got to work yesterday!

Why, it was a box. Two boxes, in fact.

And look what was inside!

I took home that box, and filled my bag with this

and when I came home, instead of cleaning the kitchen, I did this:

Yeah, I know it's sideways. But I'm too eager to get my hands on that yarn to rotate the picture. Priorities, you know!

Grand drawing will be held tomorrow night. If you want to get your name in, go comment on the destashing post, okay?

Shavua tov, everybody. Hope you all have as much fun with your motzai Shabbos or your Saturday night as I plan on having, IY"H...


Alisha said...

Oh, yum!

Anonymous said...

Yummy!! yay!!! I'll take a photo soon (bli neder) of my recent stash enhancements!! Thank you!! Shavuah tov. :)

I've been fighting linux/apache, attempting lace (i keep screwing up knits v purls on rs/ws, I have cast on for the swallowtail and ripped back about 6 times now, I am now quite good at a crochet chain provisional cast-on) and i finally re-cast on for a baby surprise jacket for a classmate's baby boy who better stay inside until mid-november. i've done 3 rows.

somebunnysloveDOTcom said...

WOW! Nice sock yarn stash!