Thursday, April 20, 2006

You know you are a mother when

you spend the last thirty minutes before licht on a two-day Yom Tov in the basement, next to the dryer, checking every two minutes to make sure that the monkey from which your son has become inseparable and which he just dropped into the bathtub is surviving its time on Delicate/Air Fluff without too much trauma, and will be dry at least to the point of snugglability by bedtime.


Anonymous said...

:) I used to watch the dryer every time my mum had to wash & dry bday bear (care bear) or elly (elephant, ironic name i know). of course dryer had a solid door so it was all the more amusing to her.

hope all went well. :)

now i'm scared to wash/dry anyone until i get my own set so i can have that beloved "gentle" cycle.

uberimma said...

The label said machine wash, but it didn't say anything about machine dry, and I had visions of tossing it in there for half an hour and having it come out a shriveled wreck. Hence the two-minute checks. What was funny was that with the weighted bean-bag bottoms those toys have, every time I opened the door the monkey would fall from whatever point in the drying cylinder to sit squarely on its tush, usually looking right at me. I have to admit it really is a very cute monkey...

uberimma said...

I was thinking the same thing, but I can't--it was on clearance, remember? There aren't any more. We did do that when he got super attached to his yellow fuzzy blanket--bought three more, two for home, two for daycare. But he very quickly figured it out and now insists on sleeping with at least two and ideally three blankies at a time...