Thursday, October 19, 2006

The latest

This morning: the usual. Lots of wailing, 30-minute nap.

This afternoon: who is this and where is my baby? Two and a half hours, not a peep.

This evening: took both boys to pick Abba up at school. Iyyar started to lose patience with the stroller so I carried him home. (Ow. That boy is getting big!) He fell asleep on the way, I put him down in his crib and he stayed asleep. For half an hour.

Tonight: I went to put him down at nine. He nursed himself to sleep with no howling. Ten p.m., he woke up. I gave him his doggie, wrapped his blanket back around him, and walked away. That was eleven minutes ago. He's still asleep.

I'm not even daring to hope. I'm just enjoying it.

The sounds of waves crashing and seagulls cawing are kind of nice too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!!!!!!!! Yes, the magic bullet has arrived! Maybe it will even work on your husband who also has sleep issues!! If they had these white noise tapes available when my daughter was a baby maybe I would have gotten some rest! The "buggy" didn't work for her.
So, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!!