MHH has accepted a job here. It is a two-year contract, potentially renewable for a third: the hours are insane, but no grading, no discipline, and, we hope, no prep outside of kollel time.
My request to telecommute from Israel has been approved. I get eight weeks, and I can pad that out with vacation time to make two months.
I'm looking for a furnished apartment to rent in Maale Adumim. Anyone know of anything?
And I'm trying to find tickets that won't totally wipe out our budget for the summer in one fell swoop.
Further bulletins, as always, as events warrant.
In the meantime, here's a picture of the sweater I made my nephew this past winter, before Avtalyon was born. They live somewhere good and cold, so he's probably still wearing it.
Ah, can you only imagine what the answer would have been if you'd asked to telecommute for 8 weeks when you worked for the beastwoman?
Question--what will you all be doing in Israel for the summer? Did I miss reading a post that spelled out a summertime option?
Congrats on having an understanding boss, and good luck finding a more affordable ticket.
I can, actually. I think it would have been along the lines of, "I have no problem saying no."
I'll be telecommuting, Abba will be working on ordination exams, and hopefully Barak will be in some kind of summer camp situation. That's the plan, anyway.
Beautiful sweater. And if the weather where he lives is anything like Boston this year, he'll be wearing it for weeks - if not months - to come (assuming we're talking northern hemisphere). Can someone explain why May is barely spring this year? The late March allergy explosion is among us.
Wow. Skip reading for a couple of weeks and the world changes! Wow.
Looks like things are resolving well, though. You've been longing for a trip to Israel for quite some time, and now you get to go. You also get to be paid. AND you and Abba will both continue to get regular paychecks when you return. And you'll have a clearer idea of what it would take to live there for more than a summer. I see win/win/win.
In the long run, the cost of the ticket will be a minor story sideline, even though I also am shocked for the moment. But how good it is that you can pay it, yes?
Now, me, I want to go somewhere COLD for the summer: I've been longingly watching documentaries on the ice hotel in Jukkasjarvi, Sweden, for instance, and trying to see whether there's a way to squeeze out time for a trip around the summer school. (There isn't, not for more than a week in August.) But if you want to get broiled at the edge of the desert and the sea, I'm happy you get to do it! {grin}
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