Thursday, May 11, 2006


Grandma E left last night.

: (

Barak stood at the window waving as her cab pulled away, and has since been poking his head in her bedroom every so often asking, "Gamma?" No, she went home, sweetheart. He looks perplexed. "Gamma home?" Uh, excuse me, WE'RE home, and she obviously isn't here! What gives? It's a hard one to explain.

I can't even imagine what a wreck I would be right now if she hadn't come. I'd just be a puddle on the floor. As it is, I think we're doing okay, although I'm not sure how anybody manages a newborn and a 2yo at the same time. Tomorrow my SIL and company are coming, for the bris which will IY"H be on Monday. Monday afternoon, I'm on my own with the two of them again, and it's already making me a little nervous. Okay, hundreds of millions of women have managed two kids at once and lived to tell the tale. I'm sure I can do this. But what do you do when they are both screaming at once?


Anonymous said...

Hello -- I love reading your blog but I have never commented.

You are doing amazingly well! I know it must not seem like it sometimes -- that is sleep depravation and post partum hormones. Having a 2yo and a newborn is tough -- no qualifiers. It is just hard. There is a book by Anne Lamott "Operating Instructions". It is an insightful, poignant (not to mention hillarious) book about her son's first year while her best friend was dying of breast cancer.

Take care of yourself and your sweet boys...and KEEP WRITING!

Anonymous said...

When both are screaming at once:

1) take a deep breath, and let it out
2) do triage; is the baby uncomfortable, or is something major wrong? If it needs IMMEDIATE attention (I'd include diaper blowouts, but not just wet/dirty here), baby gets first dibs. If the baby will survive for 5-10 minutes, go to Barak first; he'll remember!
Also, if he's gotten your attention first, he's less likely to act out from jealousy of the baby. It's also (occasionally) possible to reason with a 2YO.

If Barak is just whiny/tired/grumpy, try finding somewhere comfy to snuggle and read to him while nursing. Before it turns into a meltdown.

Enjoy your beautiful boys. The days take forever, but the years do fly by.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov! I am so happy to hear that all is well with your boys and so sorry to hear about your friend.

As to managing an infant and a two year old--my kids are just two years apart as well and I remember standing at the top of my steps in my 1850's row house unable to figure out how to get both infant and two year old down the stairs. You'll do great! I think LC's advise was perfect.

Keep writing. I'll be reading.