Thursday, January 26, 2006

This morning

Barak woke up early. He's been waking up early almost every morning since we got back, despite going to sleep late, well, pretty much every night since we got back. However, a new development is that he will now go back to sleep if he gets to come into Abba and Imma's bed. I've tried this trick before, only when very desperate, and it has never ever worked. His usual response is, woohoo! score! playtime with Abba and Imma in the middle of the night!

However, lately, now that he's been a lot clingier and a lot cuddlier than usual, if you ask him if he wants to come shluffy (sleep) with Abba and Imma, the response is a heartfelt "Yeah!" And--get this--he will usually actually go to sleep in our bed, pretty much instantly. Pretty neat.

So, this morning, I pushed my luck a little. He woke up early, but only about fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Ordinarily I would just go get him and call it morning. But I was so, so tired, and so not ready to get up. I thought I'd be sneaky. I went in to his room and said, softly, as though it were indeed the middle of the night and not 6:40 am, "Barak, it's too early to get up. You need to shluffy some more. Do you want to come shluffy with Abba and Imma?"

Barak, who is nobody's fool, says, "Hungy! Befuss!"

Imma tries again. "It's not time for breakfast yet, sweetheart. Come shluffy with Imma."

Barak decides to be amenable to this. So I got back into bed--blessed bed--and tucked him in next to me. Barak hung out there for a minute or two, playing with his blanket, rolling around on his pillow. Then he decided that his pillow was substandard to the task of pillowhood, and that my face would be a much better pillow.

"Barak! Imma doesn't like that."

Imma attempts futile rearrangement of child, while not quite awake herself. And then goes back to sleep. And Barak does not.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for, but I woke up to the distinct feeling of someone playing This Little Piggy with my toes. I lifted my head about an inch and saw Barak, from the nose up, looking expectantly at me from the foot of the bed.

"Hungy! Hungy!"

"Barak, it's not time for breakfast yet."

Barak, insistently. "Hungy!"

Pause. "Hungy PEESS!"

We had pancakes for breakfast.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure this wasn't the intended effect, but that story had me giggling and grinning like a fool at my desk.

I'm going to try "Hungy PEEES!" on Julian this Sunday and see if it scores me some pancakes...

uberimma said...

You never know, it might just work. But first try creeping up on him, holding his toes, and saying, "This little piggy went to the shuk..." It helps around here.

Anonymous said...

Just to report back: we did, indeed, have pancakes on Sunday...but I made them.

Anonymous said...

TOO funny. My 4YO is apt to wake at ??? in the morning, quietly creep into Abba & Imma's room, and snuggle between Imma & the wall.

Only then Imma wakes up, muscles sore & aching because there is NOT enough room for an extra person for that many hours (how ever many it may be . . . did I mention he's QUIET when he comes in?)

And then the older ones are up by 6:30 (but only when I'm exhausted) and want equal billing. Can I whine now?

So watch out, you may be starting a BAD habit. . .