Saturday, January 28, 2006

Bits and bobs

There are so many things I've been meaning to blog about, and haven't had time to blog about, that I spent Shabbos mentally composing a number of blog posts that, well, I'm probably never going to write. But here are the topics, at least, in a nutshell:

1. Most important: the friend I've been asking you all to daven for went home from the hospital, in a good way, last week. This was not a foregone conclusion even two weeks ago, so we're all really, really happy about this in the Uberimma household. Thanks for your tefilla, everybody. But please don't stop. This is just one battle--the war is still ongoing.

2. The sock binge continues unabated. I finished the orange socks and am on sock #2 of a toe-up pair in rainbow sherbet-colored Regia Nomotta (I think), at 7.5 sts/inch. And I'm really enjoying it. I picked up a set of size 7s tonight to show a friend how to do something, and it felt like knitting with broomsticks. I kind of like knitting with 1s. Okay, I know, I know...

3. Barak is being really fun these days. Lately, if you ask him if he's poopy, he'll tell you, with maybe 90% accuracy. Sometimes he'll even come up to me, put his hands on his tummy, look up at me with an expression of great seriousness and concern, and announce, "Poop." Of course, then I ask him if I should change his diaper, and his expression changes to one of great alarm, he says "no!" and runs away. He hasn't quite figured that causative link...

4. And on the subject of Barak (okay, the next few entries on this list will probably also be on the subject of Barak, if we're honest) he came out with his first two-word sentences this week, if you don't count phrases he learned whole (like "Abba's book" or "open it.") We were on our way home from a shopping trip, I thought I caught a whiff of something, and I asked him if he was poopy ( a recurring theme around here, as you may have noticed.) He shook his head and said, "No poop." Wow.

5. We paid a shiva call last week, all three of us. The mother of one of MHH's kids died, very unexpectedly--I would say more about that, which was obviously a big part of our week, but I don't want to get more identifying, so I'll leave it there. MHH had gone over to the shiva house for mincha, and since he had reported the previous day that there wasn't a whole lot of food, Barak and I came over later with a big pan of still-warm chocolate chip cookies. Barak walked the whole two long blocks with me very nicely, and when we got there was not only very well behaved, but somehow, mysteriously, knew exactly who needed a cuddle. Someone gave him a few board books, and he went straight over to MHH's student, climbed on the couch next to him, handed him the books, leaned on his arm and looked at him expectantly. He never does that with strangers. And over the next hour or two that we were there, he kept coming back to MHH's kid, just being cute and getting him to smile, and making him feel good. How did he know?

6. And today, on a happier note, we went to an aufruf, which of course meant a very big kiddush (lots of cookies and other goodies.) Barak knew that there were going to be cookies, because I told him as we were getting ready to leave the house that we were going to kiddush, and he immediately perked up and submitted to getting dressed with zero protest (not his usual these days--getting dressed usually involves a lot of howling and "no no no!") And he was so patient while they were setting up. He saw all this good stuff coming out--cookies and crackers and pastry and cholent and all of it--and when I told him he had to wait for kiddush, he did, even though there were other kids who weren't waiting. No screaming, no complaining, no sneaky attempts at underhanded cookie acquisition. He just watched all the cookies come out with great interest, accepted my "not yet" with reasonable good grace, and waited until I gave him one. Which, of course, as soon as kiddush was made, I did. (And then MHH took him over to the men's side, and gave him a brownie, and then he got another rugelach because I didn't know he'd had a brownie, and, um, let's just say the behavior went downhill from there--sugar is really not good for his middos or his naptimes. Which is why he only gets it on Shabbos, and then only in very limited quantities.)

7. And he's getting bigger. His American tanta (as opposed to his Israeli tanta) brought him three outfits when she visited (well, she brought more than that, but I'm thinking of three in particular) that were size 2T. Just so you know, Barak is 21 months old and was in the single-digit height and weight percentiles until not too long ago. Two of the outfits he outgrew while we were in Israel; his Shabbos outfit still fits him, but only if I put a sweater on top--the shirt doesn't quite cover the top of his pants anymore. He's just getting taller and taller. And he is wearing size 7 shoes. Wow.

I think that's it. It's late, it's motzai shabbos, the kitchen is clean and I've got a sock I've been knitting that I want to get back to. There were probably other things that I wanted to blog about, but I'm not feeling so inspired right now--I just wanted to get those things down, before I forgot about them.

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