Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Week in Review (on Wednesday)

So on Sunday I wrote a post that was not my typical post. I wrote about my life pre-rebbetzinhood, and the events that led me to finding my husband, and why it is that having a family at all is still a complete shock to me, and why becoming a ba'alas teshuva is not always Kedem and roses. I fretted awhile before posting it, and eventually decided to take it down overnight and reconsider in the morning whether I wanted it up or not. And Blogger reconsidered for me, by eating my post.

I've come to the conclusion that the super-introspective, demon-excising approach to bloggerhood is not for me. Enough people that I know read this post that it feels not anonymous, even though I trust all of them not to share my identity to the world and all my former students. Still, the level of soul-baring that is on so many blogs--admittedly the ones I read with the most interest, because the writers feel to me like friends--isn't going to happen on this one, at least not now.

So I won't get into the really stressful stuff that's been going on this week, with the painful anniversary we just marked and the reason why my book of tehillim has not been back on the shelf since Shabbos. Instead, I'll give you the list of Move-Related Tasks I have accomplished this week, as sent to my friend C last night, with a few additions of things I forgot.

met with furnace guy for estimate
ordered furnace installation
ordered water heater installation
called friend who was furnace dealer and got advice
called painter to arrange estimate
called painter several more times
called tenants to arrange time for painter to give estimate
called painter back to set time
called appliance people to figure out what appliances we are getting
called rabbi to find out kashrus considerations with dishwashers
called bookshelf people
went to bookshelf shop
drooled over bookshelves (and the gorgeous maple armoire i now must have but who am i kidding, i'll never be able to afford)
tried to arrange time to measure apartment for shelves, but failed, not through any fault of my own
tried to call former furnace-dealer friend back but failed again
got paint samples
got painting equipment
got keys copied at hardware store
went to locksmith to arrange to have new locks installed
got a bunch of miscut keys from locksmith and gave Barak his very own set of keys, hopefully distracting him from mine (now I just need to find a nonfunctional cell phone...)
paid mortgage for the very first time (shehecheyanu, v'kiyemanu...)
called seller to find vital information about move date
paid utilities
tried to transfer utilities to new place (failed--offices were closed)
tried to arrange online bill pay for mortgages (failed--voice recognition stinks)
called box gemach to arrange more boxes
bought packing tape
went to fire station to ask about the best kinds of smoke detectors (and watched Barak charm the firemen into giving him his very own kid-sized fireman's helmet)
mailed ovulation predictors to friend trying to conceive
did dishes and put away meat equipment so we can eat dairy again
bought squash and zucchini at the farmer's market
cooked squash and boiled eggs for lunch for Barak
failed to make lunch for myself
folded and put away laundry
emptied and packed two bookcases full of books
restacked very heavy boxes so that when Barak climbs them he won't be risking concussion
knitted fish #35 of 80 for Barak's knitted fishie afghan

and about a million other things, including, oh yes, going to work and taking care of my husband and kid.

Okay, granted, not all of the above items are move-related. But it's still a lot for two and a half days, no?

So when the tenants move out a week from Monday, hot on their heels will come appliance installation, bookshelf-building, furnace installation, water-heater installation, cleaning, and painting, and we should be able to move right in a couple weeks later.

Except for one small missing detail.

I still haven't found movers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why becoming a ba'alas teshuva is not always Kedem and roses.

I would hope not...there are much better wines out there! ;)

Obviously you have already consulted with a rabbi, who probably wasn't our Rabbi G, but just FYI here is the answer we got on our old dishwasher. (In our new place, we are putting in a new one immediately, but that's because the tub is cracked and the wholeunit will probably start leaking after a few months' of use anyway.)