Sunday, June 04, 2006

Eleven through thirteen

11. This morning Barak and Iyyar and a friend of ours (and I, obviously) all went for a walk. We went to the bagel store, ate bagels, and came home. I had Iyyar in the sling, in which he slept beatifically, and my friend pushed the stroller. Barak distinguished himself during this expedition with incredibly menschlich behavior. He did not scream. He did not campaign for cookies, even though they were clearly on display. He waited nicely for his bagel ("Wait nicely! Yeah!") and ate it nicely. He sat patiently in his stroller while we stopped in the bookstore. And when we got home--no, really, this is my kid I'm talking about here--he went into his crib and took a nice long nap without a peep. Yeah, I know. My kid. The one who thinks naps are for babies and the weak. He went to sleep without screaming tonight, too. If he hadn't been happy and playing all day I'd think he was sick or something.

12. Grandma E, when she visited last year, brought Barak a Richard Scarry book called Cars and Trucks and Things That Go. Hidden on most of the pages is a miniscule creature called a Goldbug. This is sort of a precursor to Where's Waldo--Goldbug is very small and very hard to find. This afternoon, while I was busy with Iyyar, MHH and Barak sat down with the book and looked for Goldbug. And twice Barak found it all by himself.

I can't even do that. We were, shall we say, impressed. And every time Barak found Goldbug, with or without help, MHH congratulated him, shook his hand, and commended him with a hearty yasher koach (or, as we Ashkenazim pronounce it, "shkoyach!"--remember, it's one word.) So when I came in to see what was going on, and found myself a Goldbug, Barak very seriously offered me his hand. "Shkoch!" Oh yeah.

13. Barak pished on the potty again today. But today was a milestone because, while in the bathtub, he announced, "Potty!" And Abba promptly removed him from the tub and sat him on the toilet, where he did indeed proceed to pish--earning himself a rousing rendition of the mitzvah song and a bowl of ice cream after his bath. If he manages to poop in the potty tomorrow, he has been informed, he will get ice cream and a cookie. And it will then be time for the diaper-free toddler. And time for me to roll up and put away the rugs.


projgen said...

"Shkoch" So cute!!!

Is Barak always such a good kid, or do you really only tell us the good parts? ;) (Aside from the wanting to rip your hair out because it's a there's-just-no-pleasing-this-kid-today kind of day, that is.)

uberimma said...

I only tell you the good parts. Do you really want to know how many times he pished on the floor today? One of them eight inches from the actual commode? No, I didn't think so. Or how about him dropping his trains into the toilet and throwing a fit so that I would fish them out RIGHT NOW ("I WANT IT! I WANT IT!") even though I was sitting on the bathroom floor nursing the baby? I mean, I COULD blog about that, but it would sort of be lashon hara, wouldn't it...

But he is always cute, even when I want to rip my hair out.

yiddishehmama said...

My children are long since grown and I am now a Bubby! Getting to read the excerpts of your day brings back the joyful memories of days that flew by too quickly!

It's ok to share the icky stuff too (that's what Bubbys were meant to have big shoulders for).. but keep sharing the happiness too! You always make me smile!

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