Friday, June 16, 2006

The boundless bounty of my sister-in-law

Two weeks after Iyyar was born, my domestic (as opposed to Israeli) SIL (hereinafter referred to as DSIL) came for Iyyar's bris with her husband, brood, and a freezer chest. I was so tired, emotional, and generally out of it that I didn't really notice the last item. I saw it go into the basement, where our freezer is, and didn't think much more about it other than to think, "wow, that's so nice, and how DID she do that with X kids of whom the youngest is four months old?" The next Shabbos someone brought us a meal, and the one after that I made pulled something out of the upstairs freezer for dinner and we were asked out for lunch. The Shabbos after that I looked in the downstairs freezer.


The freezer was FULL. Of chicken, kugel, more kugel, all Barak's favorite kugels. I have not cooked for a single Shabbos meal since Iyyar was born. I know that some of that was food people brought us for Pesach while I was on bedrest, but I think most of it is from DSIL. I took the last pan of chicken today, but there's still a broccoli kugel and a pumpkin kugel in there.

It's going to be like this when Moshiach comes, right? The bottomless Shabbos freezer?

1 comment:

projgen said...

Oh, B"H, the bottomless Shabbat freezer, the bottomless Yom Tov freezer, and of course, the never-ending ice cream drawer!

What a wonderful DSIL!