Saturday, July 19, 2008

Happiness is...

making two potato kugels for Shabbos, so you can eat half of one hot from the oven on Friday afternoon. With help from husband and children, of course.


miriamp said...

You mean I'm supposed to let them help? ;-) Nobody told me that!

LC said...

miriamp - every time you make potato kugel and eat half before Shabbos! :)

And ooh, am I jealous. Potato kugel, yum. (I *hate* peeling. The 2 kids who are willing are 'slow as molasses' and 'not old enough for bladed utensils'. Maybe we'll work on safety and speed after camp ends in a (choke) week and a half.

Jasmijn said...

One day I'll have to come and watch/help you make that. It looks super yummy.

Unknown said...

But I thought potato kugel would be brown. Or do you have tomatoes in it?