Thursday, September 29, 2005

today's cuteness

Barak knows that he is not supposed to fling things out of his stroller or off his high chair tray. I have always been very unforgiving about this with the stroller, because we took the bus every day and if a toy or sippy cup rolled under a seat six rows away, it wasn't easy to get back. I don't like him chucking things off his high chair tray either, because a) it's a waste of food, b) it's not polite and c) it means I have to clean it up. So he knows, full well, that things that get dropped do not come back, unless the object in question clearly fell by mistake.

So yesterday, when he dropped his banana on the floor in the midst of trying to peel it himself (he insisted on making the attempt--why not?) he looked up at me in great consternation and said, very slowly and clearly, "Uh-oh! Uh-oh! Oh no!" Meaning, "It was a mistake, Imma! I didn't mean to! I get my banana back, right?"

Which, of course, he did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, super-cute! I remember when Robbie first started being able to communicate things like that. It's quite a milestone, and it's important to to show that you forgive mistakes instead of punishing them, I think.

I was looking forward to seeing Robbie this weekend, but it'll be another week because they just can't give us enough notice to plan things! Sigh. Anyway, he had a scouting activity AND a birthday party scheduled for today, so I wouldn't have got to spend that much time with him anyway. But reading about Barak's little actions really makes me miss my little one (who is, really, not so little anymore, except in my mind).
